UC Davis Draft Environmental Impact Report Available for Review 

UC Davis prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report for the UC Davis Folsom Center for Health project and is seeking public comment. The UC Regents is the land use authority for the proposed project and the lead agency for environmental review.The proposed development includes about 400,000 square feet of building space for wellness and healthcare services. […]

Organics/Food Waste Recycling Program Rolling Out for the City’s Restaurants, Businesses, and Apartment Communities

At the beginning of this month, the city started rolling out a new organics recycling program for restaurants, businesses, and apartment communities. The city’s residential program is right around the corner and kicks off July 1. This program ensures that the city complies with a California law that requires all residents and businesses to recycle organic […]

City of Folsom to Launch New Electronic Permitting and Processing System

The City of Folsom is launching eTRAKiT, a new electronic development permit and processing system, on March 14. The convenient new tool will streamline requests and make it even easier to interact with the city’s Community Development Department.The new digital eTRAKiT portal is a one-stop shop for all development-related permits, plans, and activities. Customers can: […]