The City of Folsom is accepting proposals for two city-owned buildings. Proposals for the lease of 905 Leidesdorff Street in Folsom’s Historic District are due by 3 p.m. August 30. Permitted uses in the Folsom Historic District and Commercial (C2) zone and uses compatible with adjacent uses within the district will be considered. A second mandatory site visit is scheduled for 10 a.m. August 4. Interested proposers who attended the first mandatory site visit on June 30 are not required to attend the second visit. Proposals for short- or long-term lease of 405 Natoma Station Drive are due by 3 p.m. August 31. Tenant improvements may be required. Permitted uses in R-1-M zone and uses compatible with adjacent residential neighborhoods such as education, school, and daycare facility will be considered. Complete details for both RFPs can be found at